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Physics Network Registration and Configuration

The wired network jacks in the Physics-occupied areas of Physics & Nanotechnology and Tate Hall are operated by the University.

To connect any device to the Physics network, you must first register it and agree to abide by University security policies.

Only full members of CSEIT can register devices on the network. In general, only University-owned (not personal) devices are allowed on the wired network.

To register a computer for use on the Physics network, follow these steps:

  1. Find the network hardware (MAC) address of your computer. How do I find my MAC address?.
  2. Contact csehelp@umn.edu with:
  • Is administration of the device self-managed or managed by CSE-IT
  • MAC address
  • Building and Room
  • Jack Number
  • Preferred Host Name
computing/network/registration.txt · Last modified: 2021/06/07 10:18 by cse-sull0153