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Meeting for 06-19-2015

Meeting Summary:

  1. Effort to use Wiki more for group meetings
  2. Lab 3 flooded at Fermilab, mostly recovered but cleanroom down for foreseeable future.
  3. Panel 1.5 to be pressure/leak tested again
  4. Yan fixed -1 problem in leak code
  5. Still questions on measurement consistency
  6. Damage(?) straws leak too much (factor of 10 high). New straws on there way soon to check/compare.

Fermilab update by Dan Ambrose fermilab_mu2e_update_6_19_15.pdf

Yan yan_jun_19_2015.pptx

groups/mu2e/06-19-2015.txt · Last modified: 2015/06/19 15:32 by dambrose