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Physics GRE



Hi, This is a Physics GRE forum for UMN students who are studying for the Physics GRE. They are 4 physics gre tests currently out, which give you an idea what material is on there. The material is all things that you have seen before, but it is an extremely difficult test. Nonetheless, studying and adequate preparation increases your chances at getting a good score. On this forum, there is a section for each test, each with sections for each problem. So if you have difficulty with a specific problem, look under that the test in which that problem is in and find it. There is also a section for general questions about the gre and a section on questions about graduate schools. You can use a real, made up name, or no name at all in this forum. This is a wiki based forum, so the section below will help you out with this format(I stole this from Yuichi's Physics 4101 wiki). If no one has answered your question to a specific problem, you can post an alert on the General Questions board or look at http://grephysics.net/ans/. Practice Material can be located on this link http://www.physics.ohio-state.edu/undergrad/ugs_gre.php.Good Luckkk!!!Schrodinger's Dog =)

Discussion Pages

Graduate School Discussion

General Questions about the GRE

Test 1(GR9277)

Test 2(GR8677)

Test 3(GR9677)

Test 4(GR0177)

If a problem is in red in one of the test sections, that means the page doesn't exist yet. All you need to do is create the page, by pressing create page and edit/save with this in it: 'Problem xx DISCUSSION', where 'xx' indicates the problem number. You are then set to discuss the problems. Be sure to make 'Problem xx' a headline by putting it in between 4 equal signs on both sides and 'DISCUSSION' in between 2 Tilda signs on both sides.

How to use and edit wiki pages

Information about wiki editing

A good introduction to editing wiki articles is located at the syntax page. Additional information coming from slides for a talk given by David Christle in another class is attached here.

math equation in wiki

Even though using the following method to write equations is not a requirement, I believe learning LaTeX to write equations is a useful skill to learn for many of you, so I encourage you to do so, if you don't already know it. And the resulting equations will be prettier! If you don't want to use it, please use whatever methods so that your equations will look understandable.

The multimath plugin has been installed in our wiki, so math formatting such as

<math>\int_a^b f(x)\,\mathrm dx = F(b) - F(a)</math>

 "<math>\int_a^b f(x)\,\mathrm dx = F(b) - F(a)</math>" will produce the above equation.

works with both LaTeX formatting and the PHP Math plugin.

For more info about how to use LaTex syntax to type in equations, check

mimetex http://www.forkosh.com/mimetex.html
itex2mml http://pear.math.pitt.edu/mathzilla/itex2mml.html
plain2mml http://math.wcupa.edu/~johnston/plain2mathml

Are you ready? Then click one of the following links and get started.

groups/physgre/home.txt · Last modified: 2010/08/28 06:34 by gebrehiwet