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Session 8 - Sheet metal work

  1. Sheet metal and wire gauges - handout
  2. Layout Tools - Scriber, square, center punch, dividers
  3. Layout, and form up simple aluminum box
  4. Sheet Metalworking tools
    • Hand tools
      1. Snips
      2. Pliers
      3. Hand punch
      4. Deburring tool, files
    • Cutting and forming tools
      1. Shear
      2. Rotex Punch
      3. Brake
      4. Roll
  5. Fastening
    1. Rivets
    2. Pop rivets
    3. Sheet metal screws/self tapping
    4. Spot Weld (steel and ss)
student_shop/class8.txt · Last modified: 2011/06/06 17:00 by allan