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300 level, old station near Ross. Could be accessed via Ross or via side entrance.

Status: Network and power should be available.

Install sheet: 300.pdf

Site information

Q330 serial 01000010FAA3496F
Q330 tag 2937
Q330 IP
Sensor type Guralp-3T
Sensor serial T3Z01
Baler tag 06173
GPS transceiver serial DY5A10122
Switch label 300 SW 1

Site log

Date Comments Update by
01/13/2015 Installed full station (Tanner, Daniel, Vuk, Tom, Jamey). GPS required some debugging on the surface (found that one splitter was bad). Tanner
02/02/2015 Seismometer centered remotely. Tanner
03/27/2015 Seismometer centered remotely. Tanner
04/07/2015 Seismometer centered remotely. Tanner
12/28/2015 Gary centered the seismometer remotely. Tanner
groups/homestake/array/300.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/04 14:07 by prestegard