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Connecting to the network

Network Connections

For computers managed directly by Physics IT, we will take care of network activation and registration. Please inform us if you are moving such a computer, in case changes have to be made

  • Wired network in PAN.
    • The wired network in PAN is managed by the University.
    • If the network jack you are using appears inactive, you may need to contact Physics IT to arrange for OIT to activate it (each jack has an ID on it, for example “130-AB” - we'll need to know this) There is a cost to activate Ethernet Jacks in PAN and Tate.
  • Wireless networks are provided by the university: here are the directions for the University of Minnesota wireless system.

Identifying PAN data jacks Phone and network jacks in Physics/Nanotechnology (PAN) are shared between phone and data. Each wall-plate generally has 3 jacks in offices, or 4 jacks in labs. We always leave the first jack in a wallplate for phone service, although which wallplate is actually used for this will vary between rooms.

We are using the following defaults to wire data jacks in PAN:

  • faculty, staff and postdoc offices: second and third jacks in each wall plate, ie AB, AC, AE, AF (and AH, AI, AK, AL if present)
  • graduate student offices, flex spaces: second jack in each wall plate, ie AB AE AH AK AN AQ AT AW
  • labs: By default, second and third jack in each 4-jack wall plate.

If you are having trouble connecting to the network please consult this page

Visitor access

For short-term guest or conference wireless connections, please consult this page

Long term visitors may need to have a sponsored account set up - please consult this page:

Many visitors from other institutions may also be able to use the eduroam wireless network without any special preparation.


Network services

computing/network/home.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/28 09:02 by cse-sull0153