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Printing, Scanning, Copying, Fax, etc.

Updated Copy Code Information

We are removing individual copy codes. Please refer to this page for the default copy code


To find what printers are available to you in Windows, use the windows file browser to navigate to \\print.cse.umn.edu and search for spa-.

For our Linux systems, printers should be pre-installed and searchable by spa-

Printing Using Department-supported Machines

Printing Using Personal or Self-Managed Machines

Printing is possible from any UofM network without any special action being needed. You will not be able to print to Physics printers from outside the UofM network without first connecting to the University's VPN.

Setup guides:

Copiers and Scanners

There are several devices available to use to scan, copy and send documents.

  • Xerox digital copiers at PAN 211 and 411; 130 Tate (student program offices).
  • Three Toshiba eStudio color digital copiers are located in PAN 311; Tate (FTPI); and (MIFA).

All of these can scan pages or documents and send them to a given email address as either a PDF or TIFF attachment.

<note> We strongly recommend that you send scanned documents to your own email address, and forward them from there to the final recipient.

For more information view our scanning directions </note>

User manuals for these devices can be found here. There is also a Xerox Quick Start guide

The department-operated Xerox and Toshiba digital copiers require a user code for copying. You can find your code, as well as a usage history, under the “copy” section of your MyPhys page. You need to be in the Physics directory to have a copy code (or to access MyPhys).

Fax (including print-to-fax)

Two of the Xerox copiers include a fax function.

  • PAN-211 - the number is 612-301-3434
  • Tate 130 - the number is 612-624-4578.

Remember most places will now accept emailed scanned documents, which are probably easier and more reliable than faxing.

  • To send a fax, hit the “Services Home” button and choose “Fax”
  • Enter the destination phone number, including UPAC code if needed.
  • Press “Start”

<note>You can also send a fax by simply printing to this copier. The exact steps depend on your computer, but (for example) on the Physics Windows 7 machines, in the print “properties” window, you should choose a “Job Type” of “Fax”. The driver should then prompt you for the recipient phone numbers. Remember to include any required dialing prefixes, UPAC numbers, etc.</note>

Printer Supplies

Paper can be obtained from the PAN supply room 241 and from Tate 130.

For HP printers with a Loffler sticker - When toner runs low, either

  1. Call Loffler at 952-925-6868 or email serviceandinfo@loffler.com.
    • Tell them the printer name from the sticker; they should know the location/room from this but it won't hurt to confirm.
    • They will come and replace the toner. Please make sure someone is available to let them into the room when they are supposed to arrive.

For public, non-color Xerox printers - there are very few of these left; we will monitor toner level and replace when needed, but you can also send email to net@physics.umn.edu if necessary.

For any color printer - primarily Xerox Phaser 6280 - order new toner through Amy (PAN 250). You will need to provide an account number; the department does not provide toner for color printers.

PAN Copier Supplies and Service

Supplies for the copiers in PAN are maintained by Shelley (2nd floor Xerox) and Andrea (3rd floor Toshiba and 4th floor Xerox)

In case of a fault with the copiers, Xerox or Toshiba should be called for service. Physics IT will not troubleshoot internal copier problems such as refusal to enter scanning mode.

Printer service

For maintenance or other problems with public physics printers, please let us know by sending email to net@physics.umn.edu.

  • If an error code is given on the printer display, please let us know the exact code, as well as what caused it (if known - for example, if it was caused by printing a particular type of file).
  • Even for printers with a Cartridge Care sticker we would prefer to know about the issue, rather than you call them directly. Some problems (such as network-related) can't be solved by Cartridge Care. We can also try to track if there are recurring problems with a particular printer, etc.
computing/department/print/home.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/05 11:10 by cse-sull0153